Filipino Family

Filipinos regard the family as the center of their lives, primary support and source of moral strength.

To the Filipino, happiness is being with the family.

The Filipino family is closely-knit, where strong ties are maintained even after the children have married. It is not surprising to find an extended family system among Filipino families. We may also cite here the system of ranking and seniority with its corresponding authority as existing in the Filipino family --R. Rafael L. Dolor, author of Confucianism and its relevance to the Filipino Family

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Filipinos are very religious it is why a Filipino can easily recognize a devoted Catholic by the means of a Rosary. Most Filipinos would place their rosaries on their cars, altars, wallets, near their beds and beside their bibles. Some Filipinos would even have a Rosary Tattoo.

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